Join us on Thursdays at 7:45
A place where students bring students to grow in our understanding of who God is, who he says we are, and how that impacts our lives. Each week you will hear how God is at work in the lives of other students, music led by our band, and Biblical teaching from one of our Cru staff members.
We like to laugh, have a good time, and think deeply about God, our lives, and the world around us. We love seeing new faces, so the door is always open and you’re invited!
Come early at 7pm for FREE dinner at The Table!
🎧 Listen to the Latest Weekly Gathering Teaching
what students have to say about the weekly gathering
"Every week I look forward to going to the weekly gathering. It is so much fun to be able to worship with so many other college students and especially with the guys that I’ve gotten close to through my community group! It is always a great refresh point for my week that leaves me ready to focus on what really matters. Just being around such a large group of people my age that are focused on God has helped to make me so much more confident in my faith and start living it out. Hearing the excellent messages from our speakers also has made a great impact on me."
- Jordan B
"The Weekly Gathering and Cru in general has been a big blessing in my life. I get to meet a lot of other students every week and grow my relationship with God through fellowship, and the messages we get to hear from the Cru staff every week.
- Matthew
"Weekly Gathering was the first time that I felt community in Colorado Springs. I moved roughly a thousand miles away from home, Minnesota, to start my college dream in Colorado. I never had a community before coming to Cru. One of the things that I love most is being with my friends, the caring and accepting community, and worshiping. At Weekly Gathering, I love being able to sing songs of praise. It centers me when we start because I am able to let go of my thoughts from my day and week and focus on the Lord. It is the highlight of my week. During Weekly Gathering we hear how the Lord has changed other people’s lives which shows how He accepts everyone and everyone can know Him."
- Margaret
"Ever since the first time coming to weekly gathering I remember just feeling so happy and amazed at how many people surrounding me want to grow their relationship with the Lord. Everyone that I met that first day and the days that followed were so caring and helpful. I’ve already gotten to know so many people and am still very excited to grow more in this community. I love these weekly gatherings so much because it allows me to feel more connected to Jesus so that through Him I can grow closer to God."
"Over the course of the past couple of years, I have really enjoyed the weekly gatherings, and in all honesty, they have been one of the highlights of my college life. Cru’s weekly gathering is a super cool opportunity to meet new people and get to know them because it is the only event where the entire community comes together to one place. The talks each week are always really good, and it is nice to have a solid reminder of the gospel on a regular basis."
"I love Cru’s Weekly Gathering because it gives me an opportunity to feel connected with fellow college students in a welcoming, Christ-centered environment. I’m able to spend time with my friends as well as make new ones while hearing different stories about how God has changed their lives. In addition, the messages that have been given are presented in fascinating and thought-provoking ways. The Weekly Gatherings have helped me grow closer to the Lord not only through hearing from the Word, but by providing a truly Godly community of people."
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