Thank you for attending our Southern Colorado Fellowship Dinner!
It was a pleasure and privilege to share with you the vision we have as ambassadors for Christ in Southern Colorado. We trust that the testimonies and presentation were an inspiration to you.
In order for us to accelerate our growth and take advantage of the opportunities the Lord has placed before us, we need to raise $75,000.
To give you an idea of how your gifts can make a difference, here are some opportunities:
- A gift of $600 ($50/month) will enable us to send 5 students to our regional winter conference.
- A gift of $1,200 ($100/month) will enable us to scholarship 10 freshmen to our fall retreat.
- A gift of $2,400 ($200/month) will enable us to train, resource and develop 40 student leaders.
- A gift of $6,000 ($500/month) will enable us to purchase a year’s worth of evangelistic resources to reach 3,000 students.
- A gift of $9,000 ($750/month) will enable us to provide a 50% scholarship for 90 students attending our fall and winter retreat.
- A gift of $12,000 ($1,000/month) will enable us to host a large evangelistic outreach event on campus.
If you’d like to give electronically via credit card or bank transfer, please go here: http://give.cru.org/2751323
If you’d like give by check or record your faith promise, please go here: Fellowship Dinner Commitment Form
We praise God for you and your partnership. Thank you for helping us make Christ known to every student on every campus. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s fellowship dinner on Saturday, April 10, 2021!
If you have any questions or issues, please email soco@cru.org